Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tips for the day

Idle Moment? Antique Pocket Watch Eco Unisex Sweater by Vital!

Thrifty Tip: Make a "What To Do" List for Idle Moments
Have you ever wondered how some people get more done than others? I have always believed that wasting time is as bad as wasting resources or money. I started taking stock of how much time I spend waiting for something, and the numbers will astound you! Example: I spend 30 hours a year waiting for my coffee to brew! If you spend 5 minutes a day, that comes out to be just about 30 hours per year! I spend about twice that waiting for a bus! And don't even get my started on the 20 minutes per hour that is nothing but commercials on each and every show I watch! So, I compiled a list of what I do while I wait. I hope this will help you not only in your time management, but perhaps even help you eliminate some things you may be doing that you don't even like! By Sandra from Salem, OR

Craft Tip:
When using oil based paints, avoid exposure to dangerous solvents. Instead, clean your brushes with baby oil and then use soap.

"Alone we can do so little;
together we can do so much."
- Helen Keller

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