- Whenever walking in kinhin, keep your mind totally focused on your environment, not on the thoughts that try to distract you.
- Power breath: Begin by going for a walk, preferably alone and outside. Inhale, silently saying "Om" to the count of two. Mentally see that the oxygen coming into your body is filled with life-force energy and hold the breath in your mouth. As you force the air against your cheeks, let them fill to capacity and bulge out. Keep pressing the air into your cheeks as long as you can, without creating discomfort. Then exhale to the count of seven. Repeat this twelve times. Try doing this twice a day, gradually increasing to hold your breath for five counts and exhale for ten counts, then hold your breath outside for five counts.
- Breathing in, be aware of the activities of your mind being calm and at peace. Breathing out, be aware of the activities of your mind being calm and at peace.
Craft Tip:
If you have a paper shredder you can use it to shred left over bits of wrapping paper to make fun and festive bag filler. |